Arts Criticism Reflection - Academic Work Series 5
Series 5/5
This is a the last of my series of of putting up blog posts containing some of the academic work I am the most proud of during my time at University.
This critical reflection was written at the University of Glasgow, in my second semester course Arts Criticism, and was submitted alongside my portfolio of reviews that made up the previous blog post. In the reflection I describe my own practice of theatre criticism and look at the idea of the role of the critic during COVID-19, the public sphere and draws from the work of Mark Fisher and Duška Radosavljević.
Now as website formatting really does not agree with academic formatting and referencing I shall be attaching the work as a link:
Mark Fisher, How to Write About Theatre: A Manual for Critics, Students & Bloggers, (London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2015).
Roland Barthes, Image Music Text (London: Fortuna Press, 1977).
Duška Radosavljević, Theatre Criticism: Changing Landscapes, ed. by Duška Radosavljević (London: Bloomsbury Methuen Drama, 2016).
Jill Dolan, The Feminist Spectator In Action: Feminist Criticism for the Stage and Screen (London: Macmillan Education, 2013).
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